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Struggling with your weight?

How many different diets have you tried without seeing results? We know that most of our clients when they come to us, have tried everything under the sun- from 10 day detoxes, to eating less, to juice cleanses and 'teatoxing'. But none of those have ever really worked long term. It wasn't until our clients started implementing these foolproof health tips into their daily lives that they actually saw progress. If you're ready to finally start seeing a change, read on below!


Our bodies need protein for a few things. We need it for energy and for stablizing our blood sugar levels. Protein makes you feel fuller for longer, and by digesting it, you actually burn calories. After a workout, protein is vital to help rebuild the tears in your muscles from all the hard work you just did. It's important to provide yourself with the best quality of lean proteins that you can find, such as: Grass-fed free-range animal meats, wild caught fish, cage-free eggs, whole grains, legumes, low-fat organic dairy products, tofu, tempeh, all natural nut butters, as well as nuts and seeds.


Did you know that our brains are made up of 60% fat? This is why it's super important to know the difference between healthy fats and unhealthy fats. Fats are important for mental health, digestion, energy, healthy skin, lowering abdominal fat and the healthy function of our cell walls. Naturally occurring fats are categorized under two sections: unsaturated and saturated. Then there are those UNhealthy fats that you have to stay away from: trans fats, or hydrogenated oils. The body doesn't know how to break down these unhealthy fats, because they are not natural. They cause birth defects, high blood sugar, bad cholesterol, weight gain, along with a whole laundry list of other terrible side effects. These unhealthy fats take up all the spaces in the brain that are reserved for the healthy fats, causing your body to slow down and not perform at its best. These bad fats are found in crisco vegetable oil, donuts, fast food, crackers, cereal, french fries, dessert mixes, dressings and any highly processed foods.

Then, there are the naturally occurring fats. Saturated fats are good for you in moderation. They include cocoa butter, dairy fats, and coconut oil, to name a few. Unsaturated fats on the other hand, are the ones that you want to incorporate regularly in your diet. These fats include your omega-6 and you omega-3's. Foods to shop for? Extra virgin olive oil, avocados, sunflower oil, fresh wild cold water fish, and flax to name a few.


Carbohydrates are the primary fuel for the brain, and you should be getting 50% of your daily calories from carbs. You can see why it's important to get the RIGHT carbs in your diet. There are simple carbs and complex carbs. The simple (junky) carbs breakdown into sugar quickly, which causes an energy spike, then a crash. These are found in candy, soft drinks, pastries, cakes, and processed foods. They have no nutrients, vitamins or fiber in them. Then you have your complex carbs, or your RIGHT carbs. These take longer for the body to digest, and offer sustained energy because of the fiber they hold. They also offer vitamins, protein and tons of nutrients! These can be found in legumes, vegetables, whole grains, fruits, nuts and seeds.


Losing weight isn't all about the science of nutrition. Sometimes the answers are easier than you would think. Simple adjustments to your daily routine can sometimes be the deciding factor between losing weight and plateauing. We HIGHLY reccommend that you incorporate these suggestions into your daily life...

-Drink tons of water. You should be drinking half of your body weight in ounces per day.

-Sleep well. You should be getting 8 hours of sleep every night.

-Portion control. It takes your brain 20 minutes to realize that you're full. Eat slowly, drink water, and have a conversation while you eat! Try buying smaller sized paper plates so you can't load up more than you should be eating per serving. The general rule of thumb is to try and keep your meals approximately the size of your fist; which in turn is very close to the size of your stomach.

-Eat often. You should be eating at least 5 times a day. It speeds up your metabolism, your body is constantly burning calories from digesting your food, and you never go hungry!

-Eat breakfast. As we're sure you know, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It jump starts your metabolism, helps you keep your cravings under control and gives you energy to start your day the right way.

-Cook at home. Use whole ingredients, and know what's in your food. Don't be fooled by food labels or restaurants 'healthy' dishes. Most of the time, 'low-fat' really just means high sugar.

-Keep track of what you eat. Stay accountable for what your eating, it helps you keep a handle on the foods you're putting in your body. Start a food journal and keep up with it everyday. You'll eventually start to see patterns and be able to make changes.

Even slowly incorporating a few of these practices every week will help you reach your weight loss goals quicker. We encourage you to try them out and would love to hear your feedback as to how they're working for you!

With love,


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